The Newark
Public Library will soon offer more adult programming and services for the
Newark community thanks to the new addition to their staff, Adult Services
Librarian, Laura Lintz.
Adult Services Librarian is a new position at Newark Public Library, but
according to Library Director, Shawn McConnell, it is a much-needed one.
services and programming are outstanding for youth because of we have an
excellent Youth Services Librarian, Krystina Hardter, along with her support
staff, dedicated to organizing such programming,” said McConnell. “Until now we lacked a librarian dedicated to
adult programming and could not offer adults an equivalent amount of programs.”
expects the programming for adults to increase at Newark Public Library over
the next year. He also expects the
amount of one-on-one technology and research help to improve with the addition
of Laura to the Newark Public Library staff.
Christmas comes the new gadgets, and now we have another staff person who can
help patrons with their new tech-toys,” said McConnell. “We are fortunate to have Laura Lintz as our
new Adult Services Librarian, but especially at this time of year.”
A Rochester native, Laura recently moved back to the area from Boston with her
husband and new baby girl. In her most
recent position, Laura managed a small branch library in Arlington, MA and
worked with grown-ups and children alike and developed a love for technology,
unique library collections, and library programming.
said, “I am happy to be back in Upstate New York and especially excited to be a
part of the Newark Library in this exciting new position.”
The Newark Public Library is located
at 121 High Street, in Newark, NY. It is
open 9:30am-8pm Monday through Thursday, 9:30am-6pm Friday, and 9:30am-3pm
Saturday. For more information contact the library at 315-331-4370.